It does not.
Soy bean is worse. Rapeseed, sunflower. YOU will notice these plants yield ONE crop. Then you chop it down. Palm oil are like coconuts. They practically fruit forever. Of course commercially they cut them down after a decade and a half because they just get too tall to harvest.
Oil palm is the best high temperature oil out there… for those of you who do not deep fry with butter or olive oil, not that it is even possible. And oil palm yields many fold more oil per acre than anything out there except the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.
You can thank the soy bean lobby of the US for all the misinformation. Its about as accurate and the Uiyghur and Weapons on Mass Destruction reporting from them.
Thats a King Cobra. All twenty feet of him. Lives in an oil palm plantation. Together with birds, civet cats, wild boar, deer, etc. What do you have living in the soy and corn farms in the midwest?